Youth Baseball
Our Mets youth winter training is now in full force and we are pleased with the overwhelming interest. So we have had to restrict registrations for the 9-15 age group but will consider new registrations on a case-by-case basis. So please do check with us via email if you are interested. In any case, there is space in the 8U age group session. Our regular season will start on April 12th. Spring-summer registrations opened on Monday, January 17th. Links for both winter training and regular season are above.
Our winter trainings are held Saturday afternoons, primarily at Haverstock school in Chalk Farm Camden with one session at Highgate school and The 108. We have added an additional seventh session this year and the fee has not been increased. This year we also added separate 8U sessions.​​
Welcome to the London Mets Youth Baseball program. We are a dynamic, local club based at Finsbury Park in London with multi-lingual coaches. We offer the opportunity for boys and girls aged 5-15 to learn baseball in a fun, supportive, team environment. ​
We focus on the diverse community around us and welcome all levels of youth players, including those new to the sport. At the same time, we have highly accomplished coaching including from our own Mets adult players. Older registered youth players are able to also join an adult mixed or women's team if they would like to expand their playing time to some Sundays and mid-week training.
This past season our youth players participated in the MLB youth trainings, attended MLB London Series games, and played in tournaments in France and the UK.
The BBF requires individual players/parents and registered coaches to register on their new Sports 80 system for a small fee. Here is the link: Sport:80 | Investing in Sport (sport80.com) .
Spond: our club is moving to the use of Spond, a free app to facilitate program and team communications via email and smart phone. Parents will now be asked to set up a spond account and later will be added to the youth squads spond group. Here is the Spond link: Sign up form for London Mets Baseball Club . ​
For any questions or to receive our youth emails, please contact us at youthbaseball@londonmets.org.

2025 London Mets Youth Divisions
Seniors | T-Ball | Coach Pitch | Minors | Majors | Juniors | Seniors |
Age Range | 6 & under | 7-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 |
Child born after this date | August 31, 2019 | August 31, 2017 | August 31, 2015 | August 31, 2013 | August 31, 2011 | August 31, 2009 |
Game Day | Saturday | Saturday | Saturday | Saturday | Saturday | Saturday |
Training Times | 10:00 - 12:30 | 10:00 - 12:30 | 10:00 - 14:30 | 10:00 - 14:30 | 10:00 - 14:30 | 10:00 - 14:30 |
Pitching/Base distance | nm/50 ft | nm/60 ft | 46/60 ft | 46/60 ft | 54/75 ft | 60/90 ft |